Foreign Workers Are Needed for Millions of Jobs in America


The United States is experiencing a shortage of workers after the global pandemic. A solution to help with the problem would be to bring in additional foreign workers. There are almost 10 million jobs available without a skilled worker to fill the position. Only 8.4 million Americans are searching for a job. Job openings hit […]

Usafis – The DV Program in numbers

The US State Department has released in its Visa Bulletin for August 2018 the results of the DV-2019 Green Card Lottery. Among the winners, there are many Usafis clients.‏

America’s Top-Paying Jobs for 2018

The highest paying jobs are mostly found in the medical field. This requires several years of training, but the benefits may outweigh the costs.

Different Types of Visas in the U.S.

It’s exciting to move to the United States knowing that you will have the opportunity for you and your family to enjoy a better life. The information offered here is to help you learn about different options for the type of life and work you may have in the U.S.

Immigrants to America Create More Jobs

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg explained in a major policy speech in 2011 that the United States government needs to increase immigration to both repair and grow the economy in the United States. Read more…

Now Is One of the Best Times to Look for Jobs in the USA

If you have the desire to work in the United States, it’s the perfect time to do

If you have the desire to work in the United States, it’s the perfect time to do so, since the unemployment rate is at a ten-year low. The experts at USAFIS can help you apply for the Green Card Lottery so you may have the opportunity to find the job you have always wanted in […]

Finding the Best Schools in the U.S.

The United States Department of Education reports that there are over 55 million young people who attend pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade in the U.S., with about 9% of them attending private institutions. Public school education costs approximately half a trillion dollars, which comes from state and local taxes.

The Big Best Cities To Live in America

Most of the people think about New York and Los Angeles when they think about moving to United State and living the american dream, but in fact we found the 6 best cities to live in if you’re thinking about moving to U.S: Boston, Columbus and Arlington are just a few. Look for the full list […]

Applying for Green Card is one step away from becoming a citizen

Few days ago more than 40 immigrants from 28 different countries arrived to u.s national park in Washington D.C and became citizens of the United States. for becoming a citizen of the United States, you shold know about the Naturalization process –  a legal act of becoming a citizen, which claims that a person can become […]