Foreign Born Workers Account for 88% of US Job Growth

A recent National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis has revealed a critical trend. After 2052, immigrants will be the sole contributors to the growth of the U.S. labor force. Even in the coming decades, native-born workers will not increase at the pace needed to sustain the economy, potentially causing a ripple effect across industries. Without a steady inflow of immigrant labor, businesses could face worker shortages, diminished productivity, and reduced consumer access to key services. Economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas have stressed that for any economy to grow, it requires a combination of labor force expansion and higher productivity, which heavily depend on immigration.

Immigrants and Economic Growth

The NFAP study highlights a striking statistic: between 2019 and 2024, immigrant workers accounted for nearly 90% of U.S. labor force growth. In contrast, the native-born labor force barely increased, with only 479,000 workers added over five years, compared to 3.6 million foreign-born workers. This trend isn’t new—immigrants have consistently played a crucial role in labor market expansion. Over the last three decades, they contributed more than half of the total labor force growth, ensuring businesses could meet demand and consumers had access to services.

workers added over five years!

This reliance on immigrant labor is becoming even more urgent as Baby Boomers retire at unprecedented rates. The NFAP notes that the U.S. labor force would have shrunk by over a million without new waves of foreign-born workers in recent years, severely impacting economic growth, inflation control, and funding for key social programs such as Medicare and Social Security.

A Looming Labor Challenge

NFAP projects that the native-born workforce will peak and then begin to decline by 2052. Even before this, by the early 2040s, the population of Americans within prime working age (25-54 years old) will stagnate. Without immigrants to fill the gap, businesses may struggle to maintain operations, and consumers will likely bear the brunt of the economic slowdown through higher prices and fewer available services.

The consequences of labor shortages are already evident in various parts of the country. Reports of insufficient bus drivers, healthcare workers, and skilled tradespeople like electricians and plumbers highlight communities’ challenges when employers can’t find qualified personnel. Shortages in these essential fields lead to delays, service disruptions, and increased costs for everyday Americans.

As a company committed to helping individuals navigate the U.S. immigration process, USAFIS understands immigrants’ vital role in America’s future. By assisting individuals with their immigration journey, USAFIS contributes to building a stronger workforce ensuring long-term economic growth and stability.

Usafis Organization

USAFIS Organization was founded in 2001 to help immigrants who want to move to United States to apply for Green Card Lottry. USAFIS clients enjoy 24/7 customer services, which provides information about the U.S Green Card Lottery process in 14 foreign languages.

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